Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cry for Love

According to A Course in Miracles everything is either 
an expression for love or a cry for love.
Wow! Pretty simple way of "seeing" things.
We are either sharing love with those around us or we are calling out for it.
In every moment we have a choice.
We may choose fear and the ego - 
we do this by pointing our fingers and seeing the problems on the outside 
We may choose Love and Spirit/God/The Divine, etc. - 
we do this when we choose forgiveness and see the person, event, situation or circumstance as ourselves and choose to let go of judgement and love 
them/us - regardless.

Looking outside ourselves is the ego's way of keeping us focused on all that is fear based. It's our ego's way of keeping us stuck in the past or living in the future.
We miss out on the present which is all we truly have.
Everything else is just an illusion.
Think of all the time we spend worrying about the future. 
Does this ever change anything? 
Think of all the time we spend dwelling on the past - 
going over different scenarios with different outcomes. 
Does this ever change anything?

Looking inside is our way of connecting with Spirit and healing. 
This is our way of connecting to our true Oneness.
How are you able to spend more time in the now?
How are you able to change your perspective?

We are all in this together... actually we are together.

Help heal the world and make it a better place - thank you MJ/Spirit for this.
Start by looking inside and healing 
 -my beliefs
- my thoughts
- my words
- my actions 
if any of these have fear in them ask the Holy Spirit to change them
This is all that is required to heal.
Quit thinking -
I know the answer.
I know the solution.
I know what is best in this situation.
Seriously, we are clueless - we just assume we know it all
Step back, ask the Holy Spirit for assistance and watch and "see"

I pray we let go of 
 - figuring it out
- doing it ourselves
- making it happen
and all the other foolish ideas our ego's concoct.

Choose Love
Let Love Decide
Love is all we need
Love is the answer
Love will find a way

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